Friday, October 26, 2012

Frankfurt Book Fair: a conversation

Yes! Frankfurt went brilliantly. I now have an agent and will completely rework Scarlet Heels, and (probably) a publisher for my business book (Global English for Global Business). Now I must become a proper writer and work hard and fast  to get these books right for the non-NZ market.
Much love,
- - - - - -  That's splendid news but does that mean you've been a 'fake' writer these last 50 years and now you have to become a real, genuine writer??
- - - - - - -
Bears thinking about, doesn't it?

My plan is over time to step back from my online business in web content services and spend most of my working hours writing fiction again. For about 10 years I have been primarily a business woman, just writing books for fun, without much thought of sales. 

Retiring forms no part of the plan: bugger that.

Don't get me wrong: I love my business almost as much as I like writing fiction and poetry. But anything gets stale if you do it for too many years. Compare and contrast:

My Contented web site
My Writing web site

Much love,

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

For Paul

         1.7.62 – 31.10.85

Grief does not go away;
it rumbles underground,
from one day to the next.
It's nearly 27 years,
but like a scarcely healed ulcer,
one slightest abrasion
will cause it to re-open
and spill out blood and exudate.

No one knows what to do.
If you meet me, look closely:
I've been forced to erect a faรงade
which I can shelter behind.
I am not what I seem.